An outlet for rich people with some ...disturbing models

HEY bros and sis, welcome back. Today we will be diving deeper into the dark side of society with some potentially disturbing things.

So I came across this boss who's offering escorts, the escorts of this boss however are quite expensive as they are all LOCAL GIRLS. 

You can choose from college/uni girls, influencers, models and even some small time celebrities. Expect to pay anywhere from rm500++ though.

Here's the DISTURBING part though, you can even hire underaged teenage highschool girls as escorts through this boss. The boss is a woman btw, and you can hire her too. 

Now I may be a fellow cheongster, someone who calls escorts, but this is just, Abit too much, no matter what I feel that underaged girls should not be involved in this escort business. Of course we can't really stop them at the end of the day it's their life, if they wanna do something they'll do it. 

But with that being said, I would like to advise everyone reading this, PLEAZE PLEAZE PLEAZE don't be the person/people who will hire such underaged escorts, please have some moral standards.

With that I end my post, Lance out. 


  1. helo bro sorry for disturbing. isit possible that you can share some okt contact no?


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